A village in Wagapanaha Udasiya pattuwa, Matale North, in Nalanda wasama.
Streams – Diyahonda ela, Arudelle amuna.
Hill – Walashinnekanda.
Population in 1881, 54 (29 males, 25 females); in 1891, 40 (22 males, 18 females). Jaggery caste.
In 1878 there were about 30 acres under paddy, of which more than half were held by the ninda tenants of Dahanayaka Mudiyanse Yatawatte Appuhami, who is registered as owner of five ninda pangu. The services (commutable for Rs. 94.35 per acre) are to render menial services (uliyan) for eighty days in the year, apportioned according to the extent of the holdings among five tenants: Pelawattelage, Kattandiyalage, Durayalage, Kande Wattuwalage, Yahalage. The tenants paid the tax.